Sunday, September 21, 2003

hello, everyone....well some bad news.... two Friday's ago I totaled (sp?) my truck. (At least that is my less than expert opinion). I will find out some time this week as to how much the damage will actually cost me. Nevertheless, God has totally put me at peace with it. If need be I will quit my job and work with Jason or I will simply get a bus pass. Either way I know that He will be glorified. It was much more traumatic last week as I look back in hindsight, which I suppose saves the one person that reads this some time. I can be incredibly verbose at the most inopportune times and these blogs are published with zero editing. (You poor soul). Anyways, I went to a wine tasting event on Saturday in Newport. This was less than eventful. It was a huge silicone/platinum blonde/tanning booth/abercrombie & fitch (that company doesn't deserve to have their name capitalized) festival. After puking for many hours out of my disgust for the nature of man... I regained my composure...drank some wine....listened to one of my favorite songs of all time by Ricki Louis (I think).... and then left shortly thereafter. It was nice to hang out with my friend Renee and my Dad and his wife Christina. Anyways, that was as eventful as my weekend had got until today when I did lots of yardwork. Believe it or not yard work is very therapeutic and I am convinced that it prevents the onset of schizophrenia. The backyard looks absolutely beautiful and I am glad to have been able to help. Hopefully I will find a way to post some pictures on this boring blog quickly. Platform discussion of the does a church become intentional in becoming heterogeneous? I am not sure that anyone has mastered this art, however, I am convinced that this art must be attempted by someone that can give pointers. I find it completely necessary for our churches to be filled with more than just families that are all a bunh of W.A.S.P.S. Hopefully someone out there will know some one else that will have a helpful hint in order to get me started in the right direction. All that I have heard so far was from Erwin McManus who incited me on this path of creating a heterogeneous model. Erwin didn't really add a lot of practical application to his advice. Anyways, if you read this please feel free to add a comment because I feel as though much of this is in vain. Anyways, have a great week, and may He be at the center of your life.


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