Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Crazy stuff has been happening lately. My grandfather had a minor heart attack over the weekend. It's not all that surprising to me, however, I know that it really scared my Mom. I am scared for my mother because I know that she's not ready for the passing of her father who is going to be 88 on Oct. 31st. For me it's expected that a man of his age is going to have health problems and is going to die within the next few years. However, I suppose that not everyone views death as an inevitable ensuing occurrence. I think that God has been teaching me a great deal these last few weeks. He is teaching me the absolute necessity of community within the Body of Christ. Mark Palmer made a statement a little over a week ago. He said that in order for community to exist people must either live within the same house or within a two minute walk of one another. I totally agree. It is at this point that I am thoroughly convinced that I don't want to live alone ever again. (I never really have but this was a possibility in my mind). I want to either be living with families (even if God blesses me with my own) or living with singles. I think that it is essential that families begin to be intentional in taking on the role of Community builders. I believe that in opening our homes we gain a better Kingdom understanding of what possession really means. I find that our culture has dictated to us that possession is an exclusive ownership over a particular object. However, a Kingdom understanding is that our time here is fleeting and as a result we need to connect with the fact that we must "share" our so called "possessions" knowing that EVERYTHING we have is a Gift of God. God has blessed us so that we might bless others. If God has blessed us with a house it is to bless others through that house. If God has blessed us with a family it is for us to bless others with through our Family. This idea can best be revealed to us through the Abrahamic Covenant in Genesis 12. Anyways, enough about that for now. As far as the specific details of my life, trepidation is rising concerning medical school, unfortunately for me I had a very tumultuous couple of years in the beginning of my college career that has hindered me from having the excellent G.P.A. that my buddy Mark Deaver has (he has a 3.9). Anyways, if all of you could pray for me in this area, that God would put me at peace, that I might rest in the knowledge of his Sovereignty in my life, and that He might bless me with an excellent MCAT score that I might actually get to pick where I go to Med School rather than have to go to a particular school because that's the only one that would have me.


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