Friday, December 05, 2003

Exciting news, Robbie and I started recording on Weds. Night. With any luck we will have about 7 solid songs recorded within the next month. However, we are taking a couple of weeks off during the month of December. I am having dinner tonight with Robert Caldwell and family to discuss possible community events that I can get connected with while I am here. I am very excited about this. I want to get plugged in to something on a regular basis where I am physically serving others and building relationships with people here in the community. Anyways, hopefully by the end of next week I can post a song on my blog using the audioblog. that would be pretty sweet. then people could post comments to my music discussing how much they think that I suck. Chelsea Kay has written some pretty amazing things on her blog...I suggest you all check it out. Stay tuned for my next blog...cause I just started reading Dallas Willard's, Spirit of the Disciplines.


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