Sunday, November 23, 2003

Interestingly enough, I don't have anything to say, (that's really not all that interesting). Anyways, yesterday was pretty cool, I got a chance to walk down to the Short North area of Columbus with my buddies Phil and Fez and see some pretty different aspects of the community. We went to this pretty sweet micro-brew, Barley's, and had some good beer. We then came home and played hours of video games. This is something that I never do, however, it was a good time. Other than catching up, I am fairly concerned because I have no idea as to how to connect with these guys that hang out on N. High. When I say hang out what I mean to say is that they are whino's (sp?) and bums. I am not sure what their story is, however, I am not sure that giving them money everytime they ask is effectively needing either their spiritual needs or physical one's. I am not sure that I should even use the word "effective." I am thinking about hanging out on N. High and possibly building some relationships with these guys so that I could really connect and figure out where they are at and what their all about. Anyways, if any of you have ideas let me know. Starbuck's isn't too shabby. It just makes me realize how old I am. These college kids come in and I have NOTHING in common with them. It's pretty interesting. I feel as though there is little for me to say other than, "what can I get you?" Hopefully as I build a rapport with these kids I will be able to hang out with them or talk about real issues. Real issues for most of these kids consists of discussing the Buck-Eyes. I believe I will be getting some voice lessons pretty quickly here, one of the guys in this community, Ryan, might be able to squeeze out some time from his busy schedule me out, since I am practically tone deaf in both ears. That's about it for now.


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