Wednesday, January 14, 2004

So here's something a little crazy, I decided to read my journal from last year (this was before I was introduced to the cult of the blog). I wanted to see where I was and what I was thinking and praying through. I read it on the 12th, which was Monday and read my entry from the first few weeks of last year. Here's a little excerpt...(I believe that I should preface this by stating that I was very interested in a girl, Allyson, that is not a follower of Christ, I met her while visiting my dad when he lived in Cleveland, almost two years ago... things ended awkwardly... maybe even badly between us)..."I heard back from Allyson... she said she felt as I do. Nevertheless, I'm at a loss. I will still go to Ohio, yet I feel as though I will go in order to put to rest everything I started. May God prevent me from continuing in this heartbreaking behaviour." It's funny because Allyson hasn't returned an email or phone call and thus I haven't talked to her in 10 months. I laugh (in ways) at the fact that I knew it would never work and prayed for God to rectify the situation...He did and it was very painful...I am thankful for what He has done and am simply trying to find joy in my singleness and allow God to move through me in that...Yet, I will say that it is odd to me that I have not been interested in anyone for almost a year now...I don't know what that means if it means anything at all...but I can't remember a time within the last year and a half (other than Allyson) that I have cared to hang out with a member of the opposite sex in some sort of quasi-intimate setting. In some ways I am paralyzed by my singleness, I just pray that God can make me joyful in spite of this and will be glorified through my weakness. I suppose the purpose of this blog is to announce God's faithfulness to His creation and to His name...Another odd segway (sp?)...How the heck do I add more people on to my friend's list? (You know that thing on the right of my blog)


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