Tuesday, September 21, 2004

It's hard to believe that I only have time once a week to update this thing...well I need some serious prayer...I am having difficulty finding the time and energy to finish my medical school apps...I have about 7 more to do...I might take a few days off of work just to make it happen...we'll see.

Another crazy coincidence..."hey, that's joincidence with a 'c'!" My boss at Starbuck's was a former tennis opponent of mine when I was in high school...kinda crazy...I hope he doesn't begrudge me for kickin' his ass (both in high school and last week)...oops...that wasn't very humble, but as I recall those are the facts...anyways, I told him today that I was going to have to cut my hours back to 2 days a week...this working 7 days a week thing isn't really doin' it for me...I am not sure if it's that or the fact that I don't want to listen to one more fastidious heifer scoff at how many carbs are in a Caramel Frappuccino and then decide to have a latte' (a lotta fat) made with heavy whipping cream...these customers in California are the worst...Everything is "half caf, with one quarter breve and three-quarters whole, 2 Splenda, and 4 shots of espresso, with only a pump and a half of vanilla." Hey Jack Ass, why don't you simplify your life and mine and order a COFFEE. I am quite sure these morons couldn't tell if I was steaming urine...as long as I placed some whip cream on it they wouldn't care...I should take up some of Tyler Durden's old tricks...then I would make some friends...or become schizophrenic.

Taking some time away from "The Bux" (as we Californians call it) will do me some good...serving coffee for 8 hours at a time is the most worthless vocation ever...I can't handle these pathetic individuals and their wasteful ways..."Can I get a sleeve for my iced mocha, I don't want the condensation to get my hand wet...I might proceed to melt like the Wicked Bitch, I mean Witch of the West." Do we really need to produce more waste? Does anyone have a grasp of conservation? Do you really need your tepid coffee double cupped? Enough...

Still waiting to hear back about an interview...I've heard nothing...which is better than a no good something...Hopefully I'll receive some gospel soon...(Can you use that word in this context?)

I am not sure if I have much else to say...I think the Lord has been doing some cool stuff in my life...I really don't do much, but I feel at peace with where I am and what I am doing (for the most part). I am starting to feel attractive again...that's kinda nice...I think there are times in our lives where our insecurities come crashing down upon us...Like 12 ft. swells crashing down on the steep slope of beach at the Wedge...the shore break is dangerous if the tide is able to pull you into its path...like a washing machine the current pulls you down and in a semi-circular motion raises you to the peak of the wave only to have gravity and the momentum created by a few thousand gallons of water ground you...This must be from God...I am not sure why He is allowing me to see the zinc line amidst the cloud cover..But I'll revel in the odd humour of our Lord and His cabalistic ways. Because as my good friend once said, "Smilers they never lose and frowners they never win." But the question still remains, who's the one with the bright eyes?


At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gotta love the cynicsym (i think i mis-spelled that). i do love your honesty about "the bux" and the peeps out there in cali. have to admit, it does my heart some good to hear that the folks out there on the coast aren't all that and that you can't stand them at times. does that mean you're wanting to deal with a certain s-bux at osu? i'm sure they'd take you back! ;)
hang in there kid, you CAN do this! i'll talk to you soon.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger joel said...


I found your blog. It warms the cockles of my heart to, now, receive the candid, God inspired musings of the Walker. So, any news on schools? BU awaits. I love it here but I am in desperate need of some male conversation that isn't over the phone or via e-mail. I know two girls, cool girls, but they're not guys. I hope that makes sense.

Anyway, for you Bux's slaves, the indie coffee shop on campus just put a sign up explaining the difference between US and THEM. Tall = small, grande = medium, and frappachinos? are a Bux creation not a world wide trend. It's really quite funny.

Well, I'm glad to here God's doing some amazing things in-spite of. And yes, Garden State is amazing and yet, creates a very depressing nostalgia for fleeting moments past. Makes you wonder if things were ever that good or is it in these moments of contemplation and expectance we desire the comfort of certainty no matter if it was healthy or not. I know I do.

Later man, joel


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